в 2011 году Ragnarok Online справит свой десятилетний юбилей
А эта надпись висит тут уже 15 =)
Sacrifice / Martyr's Reckoning
Вся информация о Sacrifice (Martyr's Reckoning) - характеристики,
описание на русском, требуемые скилы
Тип: Normal |
Макс лвл: 5 |
Цель: Self |
Тип атаки: Weapon |
Сбивается: |
Элемент: Neutral |
Ударов: 1 |
Дальность: — |
АоЕ: — |
Тип дамага: NoDamage, IgnoreCasterPercentDamageCards, IgnoreTargetDefense, IgnoreTargetFlee |
Описание Sacrifice:
Sacrifice Max Level: 5 Type: Supportive SP Cost: 100 Target: Self Cast Time: Instant Cool Down: None Duration: Next five hits Effect: Each hit you land sacrifices 9% of your Maximum HP to damage your enemy by up to 1.4 times the amount of sacrificed HP. Always hits, but you can die if you use up too many HP with this skill. Damage on the target is increased according to Maximum HP, Skill Level and weapon +% damage cards, Triple Bloody Boned being the best combo for WoE/PVP. It ignores Flee and defense of the target. Weapon cards won't increase the amount of HP taken from you. You CANNOT hit the Emperium with it. But you still lose 9% HP if you try. It's ALWAYS neutral element, meaning Ghostring, Cranial, Poo and Immune reduce its damage on the target. Reflect Shield can reflect the damage. Magnum Break and Pressure increase their damage. If the enemy is inside a Safety Wall and you attack him, it will miss, but you will lose 9% of your HP anyways. Ice Pick does not affect Sacrifice damage. Baphomet Card doesn't give Splash damage for Sacrifice hits. Can be used on Boss monsters. Reject Sword (Stalker skill) has a chance of halving Sacrifice damage (if Sac is used with Sword/Dagger) and reflecting it back to the Paladin. Can be Dispelled. [LV 1] Damage: 100% the amount of sacrificed HP [LV 2] Damage: 110% the amount of sacrificed HP [LV 3] Damage: 120% the amount of sacrificed HP [LV 4] Damage: 130% the amount of sacrificed HP [LV 5] Damage: 140% the amount of sacrificed HP
Возмездие Мученика Класс: Атакующий Описание: Жертвует HP персонажа для увеличения урона врагу. Действие умения продолжается на протяжении 5 атак. [Уровень 1]: Усиление атаки в 1 раз [Уровень 2]: Усиление атаки в 1.1 раза [Уровень 3]: Усиление атаки в 1.2 раза [Уровень 4]: Усиление атаки в 1.3 раза [Уровень 5]: Усиление атаки в 1.4 раза
HpCost: 0
HpPercentCost: 0
RequiredAmmoAmount: 0
RequiredAmmoTypes: 0
RequiredState: 0
RequiredWeapons: 99
SpCost: 100
SpiritSphereCost: 0
SpPercentCost: 0
ZenyCost: 0
Ragnarok Online 2018 Revo-classic
После нескольких успешных запусков в других странах, новая механика рево-классик официально приходит в Россию.