в 2011 году Ragnarok Online справит свой десятилетний юбилей
А эта надпись висит тут уже 15 =)
Poison React
Вся информация о Poison React - характеристики,
описание на русском, требуемые скилы
Тип: Normal |
Макс лвл: 10 |
Цель: Self |
Тип атаки: Weapon |
Сбивается: |
Элемент: Neutral |
Ударов: 1 |
Дальность: — |
АоЕ: — |
Описание Poison React:
Poison React Required For: Venom Splasher (L5). Max Level: 10 Type: Active SP Cost: 15 + 5*SkillLV (but 45 for LV 10) Target: Self Cast Time: Instant Cool Down: None Duration: 15 + 5*SkillLV sec (but 60 sec for LV 10), OR (SkillLV/2 rounded up) neutral countered attacks for LV 1~9 (but 6 counters for LV 10), OR after countering a poison-property monster attack/poison property attack, whatever comes first Effect: Attempts to counter 1~6 attacks that damage you (using level 5 Envenom) OR 1 attack from a poison property monster (using boosted damage) while the skill is active. The success rate is 100% for Boosted Counter and 50% for Envenom Counter. Adding levels in this skill gives a damage increase on boosted counter of +(30*SkillLV)% and increase the number of Envenom Counters. [LV 1] 1 Envenom Counter, +30% bonus damage on boosted counter, 20 Sec [LV 2] 1 Envenom Counter, +60% bonus damage on boosted counter, 25 Sec [LV 3] 2 Envenom Counters, +90% bonus damage on boosted counter, 30 Sec [LV 4] 2 Envenom Counters, +120% bonus damage on boosted counter, 35 Sec [LV 5] 3 Envenom Counters, +150% bonus damage on boosted counter, 40 Sec [LV 6] 3 Envenom Counters, +180% bonus damage on boosted counter, 45 Sec [LV 7] 4 Envenom Counters, +210% bonus damage on boosted counter, 50 Sec [LV 8] 4 Envenom Counters, +240% bonus damage on boosted counter, 55 Sec [LV 9] 5 Envenom Counters, +270% bonus damage on boosted counter, 60 Sec [LV 10] 6 Envenom Counters, +300% bonus damage on boosted counter, 60 Sec
Реакция на Яд Класс: Вспомогательный (Яд) Объект: Персонаж Описание: Позволяет персонажу один раз контратаковать противника при получении повреждения ядом.
HpCost: 0
HpPercentCost: 0
RequiredAmmoAmount: 0
RequiredAmmoTypes: 0
RequiredState: 0
RequiredWeapons: 99
SpCost: 25:30:35:40:45:50:55:60:45:45
SpiritSphereCost: 0
SpPercentCost: 0
ZenyCost: 0
Ragnarok Online 2018 Revo-classic
После нескольких успешных запусков в других странах, новая механика рево-классик официально приходит в Россию.