Id | Имя | Левел | HP | Атака | Def | Exp | jExp | Раса | Элемент |
1805 | Lord Knight Seyren (Сейрен, b_seyren_) | 99 | 1647590 | 7238 - 11040 | 72 | 4835600 | 1569970 | DemiHuman | Fire4 |
1640 | Lord Knight Seyren (Командор Сейрен, g_seyren) | 99 | 347590 | 4238 - 5040 | 72 | 18000 | 10000 | DemiHuman | Fire4 |
1799 | Lord Knight Seyren (Сейрен, g_seyren_) | 99 | 347590 | 4238 - 5040 | 72 | 18000 | 10000 | DemiHuman | Fire4 |
1994 | Luciola Vespa (Лусиола Веспа, luciola_vespa) | 104 | 32600 | 9000 - 9900 | 29 | 16300 | 11410 | Insect | Wind1 |
2160 | Luciola Vespa (, s_luciola_vespa) | 1 | 60 | 8 - 9 | 2 | 27 | 20 | Plant | Water1 |
1711 | Maero of Thanatos (Гнев Танатоса, g_tha_maero) | 83 | 62000 | 2022 - 2288 | 29 | 10000 | 5000 | Undead | Ghost4 |
1706 | Maero of Thanatos (Гнев Танатоса, tha_maero) | 83 | 62000 | 2022 - 2288 | 29 | 56699 | 63880 | Undead | Ghost4 |
2045 | Magic Decoy (, magicdecoy_earth) | 100 | 2500 | 150 - 150 | 16 | 0 | 0 | Formless | Earth1 |
2043 | Magic Decoy (, magicdecoy_fire) | 100 | 2500 | 150 - 150 | 16 | 0 | 0 | Formless | Fire1 |
2044 | Magic Decoy (, magicdecoy_water) | 100 | 2500 | 150 - 150 | 16 | 0 | 0 | Formless | Water1 |
2046 | Magic Decoy (, magicdecoy_wind) | 100 | 2500 | 150 - 150 | 16 | 0 | 0 | Formless | Wind1 |
1859 | Mandragora (, e_mandragora) | 12 | 405 | 26 - 35 | 0 | 45 | 32 | Plant | Earth3 |
1589 | Mandragora (Мандрагора, g_mandragora) | 12 | 405 | 26 - 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Plant | Earth3 |
1020 | Mandragora (Мандрагора, mandragora) | 12 | 405 | 26 - 35 | 0 | 45 | 32 | Plant | Earth3 |
1457 | Mantis (Богомол, g_mantis) | 26 | 2472 | 118 - 149 | 10 | 0 | 0 | Insect | Earth1 |
1139 | Mantis (Богомол, mantis) | 26 | 2472 | 118 - 149 | 10 | 393 | 248 | Insect | Earth1 |
1513 | Mao Guai (Кот-Чиновник, civil_servant) | 62 | 14390 | 650 - 1010 | 42 | 4023 | 2750 | Brute | Wind2 |
1969 | Marc (, e_marc) | 36 | 6900 | 220 - 280 | 5 | 1976 | 1250 | Fish | Water2 |
1426 | Marc (Марк, g_marc) | 36 | 6900 | 220 - 280 | 5 | 0 | 0 | Fish | Water2 |
1045 | Marc (Марк, marc) | 36 | 6900 | 220 - 280 | 5 | 988 | 625 | Fish | Water2 |