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Hagalaz Rune / Рунный камень Хагалаз

Вся информация о Hagalaz Rune - характеристики, описание на русском, требуемая профессия, из кого падает.

Hagalaz Rune Hagalaz Rune
Тип: SkillItem Подтип: — Цена (покупка): 100 Цена (продажа): 50 Вес: 10
Описание Hagalaz Rune*:
For 3 minutes, your skin is hardened and you gain a chance to break the weapons of targets that strike you.
When you cast this skill it will consume 25% of your HP, and this value will become the endurance of the skill.
When this value reaches zero, the skill ends. When the effect is used against a monster, they will receive ATK -25% for 10 seconds.
The effect does not work on boss monsters.
Weight : 10
For 3 minutes, your skin is hardened and you gain a chance to break the weapons of targets that strike you.
When you cast this skill it will consume 25% of your HP, and this value will become the endurance of the skill.
When this value reaches zero, the skill ends. When the effect is used against a monster, they will receive Сила атаки - 25% for 10 seconds.
The effect does not work on boss monsters.
Вес : 10
Профессии: Rune Knight, Arch Bishop, Warlock, Mechanic, Ranger, Guillotine Cross, Royal Guard, Shura, Sorcerer, Shadow Chaser, Genetic, Minstrel, Wanderer, Ninja

*поле Описание может противоречить другим полям - в этом случае оно обладает меньшим приоритетом
ro Hagalaz Rune / ro Runstone_Hagalas / ro item id 12733
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